When Do I Need To Use A High-Speed Disperser Rather Than An Agitator?
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When Do I Need To Use A High-Speed Disperser Rather Than An Agitator?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-24      Origin: Site


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A high-speed disperser will generate the shear force necessary to rapidly de-lump powders in a liquid. This de-lumping process is called dispersion. The agitator is an efficient mixer, but it typically cannot generate sufficient shear to disperse powders, regardless of how long they are mixed. This is because the forces holding the agglomerates (lumps) together are stronger than the force of the mixer trying to pull them apart. Mixers can do an excellent job of holding dispersed (sheared) mixtures in suspension, but they typically cannot disperse (shear) the mixture.